<p><SPAN >Captive power plant diesel generator is a type of AC-powered device is a small independent power generation equipment, internal combustion engine for power, driving a synchronous AC generator and produce electricity.</SPAN> <BR>
<SPAN >现代柴油发电机组由柴油机,三相交流无刷同步发电机、控制箱(屏)、散热水箱、联轴器、燃油箱、消声器及公共底座等组件组成钢性整体。 Modern diesel generating sets from the diesel engine, three-phase AC brushless synchronous generator, control box (screen), cooling water tank, coupling, fuel tank, muffler and public base and other steel components overall.</SPAN> <SPAN >柴油机的飞轮壳与发电机前端盖的轴向采用凸肩定位直接连接构成一体,并采用圆柱型的弹性联轴器由飞轮直接驱动发电机的旋转,其联接方式由螺釘固定在一起,使两者联接成一钢体,保证了柴油机的曲轴与发电机转子的同心度在规定的范围内。 Diesel engine flywheel and the generator front cover of the axial positioning with a direct connection convex form one shoulder, and use the flexible coupling by a cylindrical direct-drive generator flywheel rotation, the connection mode with the screw, so that the two are connected into a steel body to ensure that the diesel engine’s crankshaft and generator rotor concentricity within the specified range.</SPAN> <BR>
<SPAN >柴油发电机组是由内燃机和同步发电机组合而成的,内燃机的最大功率受零部件的机械负荷和热负荷的限制,称为额定功率,交流同步发电机的额定功率是指在额定转速下,长期连续运转时,输出的额定功率,通常把柴油机输出额定功率与同步交流发电机输出的额定功率之间,称为匹配比。 Diesel generators and synchronous generators by a combination of internal combustion engine, the internal combustion engine components by the maximum power load and heat load of mechanical constraints, as rated power, AC synchronous generator rated power is the rated speed, Long-term continuous operation, the output power rating, usually diesel engine rated power output and a synchronous AC generator output power rating, called the matching ratio.</SPAN> </p>
<p><SPAN ><STRONG>柴油发电机组</STRONG> <STRONG>Diesel generator</STRONG></SPAN> <STRONG><BR>
</STRONG><SPAN >1. 概述柴油发电机组是一种小型发电设备,系指以柴油等为燃料,以柴油机为原动机带动发电机发电的动力机械。 1. Overview of diesel generator set is a small power generation equipment, means such as a diesel fuel to diesel engine driven generator as the prime mover of the power machinery.</SPAN> <SPAN >柴油发电机组一般由柴油机、发电机、控制箱、燃油箱、起动和控制用蓄电瓶、保护装置、应急柜等部件组成。 General by the diesel engine diesel generator, generator, control box, fuel tank, starting and controlling storage battery, protective gear, emergency cabinet and other components.</SPAN> <SPAN >整体可以固定在基础上,定位使用,亦可装在拖车上,供移动使用。 Can be fixed based on the overall positioning use, also installed in the trailer for mobile use.</SPAN> <BR>
<SPAN >柴油发电机组属非连续运行发电设备,若连续运行超过12h,其输出功率将低于额定功率约90%。 Diesel generator set is a non-continuous operation of power generation equipment, continuous operation if more than 12h, the output power will be lower than the rated power of about 90%.</SPAN> <BR>
<SPAN >尽管柴油发电机组的功率较低,但由于其体积小、灵活、轻便、配套齐全,便于操作和维护,所以广泛应用于矿山、铁路、野外工地、道路交通维护、以及工厂、企业、医院等部门,作为备用电源或临时电源。 Although lower diesel generator power, but because of its small size, flexible, lightweight, fully furnished, easy to operate and maintain, it is widely used in mining, railways, field sites, road traffic maintenance, and factories, businesses, hospitals and other departments , as a backup power supply or temporary power source.</SPAN> <SPAN >近年来新研制的无人值守的全自动应急电站,更加扩大了该种发电机组的使用范围。 In recent years, newly developed automatic emergency power station unattended, even expanded the types of the use of generators.</SPAN> <BR>
<SPAN >目前,我国具有出口生产能力的生产厂有天津发电设备厂等10余家。 At present, China has the ability to export production power generation equipment manufacturing plant in Tianjin factory has more than 10.</SPAN> <SPAN >产品远销欧亚非几十个国家和地区,深受好评。 Products are exported to Europe, Asia and dozens of countries and regions, well received.</SPAN> <BR>
<SPAN >2. 分类及规格柴油发电机组以发电机输出功率的大小进行分类,机组能量从10kW-750kW的多种规格。 2. Classification and specifications of diesel generators the size of the generator output power to classify the energy from 10kW-750kW unit a variety of specifications.</SPAN> <SPAN >每种规格又分有保护型(装有超转速、高水温、低油压保护装置)、应急型和移动电站型几种结构。 Each specification is divided are protective (with super-speed, high temperature, low oil pressure protection device), emergency type and type of mobile station several structures.</SPAN> <SPAN >其中移动电站又分为时速可以与汽车时速相匹配的高速越野型和具有低速的普通移动型。 Mobile power station which is divided into speed to match speed with high-speed car-and low-speed off-road movement of ordinary type.</SPAN> <BR>
<SPAN >3. 订购注意事项柴油发电机组的出口检验是依据合同规定或技术协议的有关技术或经济指标进行检验,用户在选择和签约时,应注意以下几点: 3. Order Notes export diesel generator test is based on contractual or technical agreement of the relevant technology or economic indicators can be tested, the user in selecting and contracting, they should note the following:</SPAN> <BR>
<SPAN >(1)如果使用环境条件与柴油发电机组标定的环境条件值有差距时,应在签约时说明温度、湿度及海拔高度值,以提供适宜的机型和配套设备; (1) If the environmental conditions and calibration of diesel generator sets the value of a gap between the environmental conditions, should be indicated when signing the contract as temperature, humidity and altitude values to provide appropriate models and supporting equipment;</SPAN> <BR>
<SPAN >(2)说明使用中采取的冷却方式,特别是大容量机组,更应注意; (2) A description of the cooling method to use, especially in large capacity units, but also should pay attention;</SPAN> <BR>
<SPAN >(3)定购时,除应说明机组型号外,还要说明选用何种机型; (3) when ordering, in addition to that unit type, but also that selection of the models;</SPAN> <BR>
<SPAN >(4)柴油机组的电压调整率分别有1%、2%、2.5%的额定电压。 (4) diesel engine group voltage regulation rate of 1%, 2%, 2.5% of rated voltage.</SPAN> <SPAN >选用何种,亦应说明; Choose what should description;</SPAN> <BR>
<SPAN >(5)正常供货时,提供一定量的易损件,另有需要,亦应说明。 (5) normal delivery, provide a certain amount of wear parts, while necessary, should also be instructions.</SPAN> <BR>
<SPAN >4. 检验项目和方法柴油发电机组系成套产品,其中包括柴油机、发电机、控制部件、保护装置等。 4. Test items and methods of diesel generator sets, Department of products, including diesel engines, generators, control components, protection devices.</SPAN> <SPAN >出口产品的整机检验,包括以下内容: Machine inspection of export products, including the following:</SPAN> <BR>
<SPAN >(1)产品的技术、检验资料审查; (1) product technology, test data review;</SPAN> <BR>
<SPAN >(2)产品的规格、型号、主要结构尺寸; (2) product specifications, model, size of main structure;</SPAN> <BR>
<SPAN >(3)产品整体外观质量; (3) the overall appearance of product quality;</SPAN> <BR>
<SPAN >(4)机组性能:主要的有技术参数指标,机组运行适应性,各种自动保护装置的可靠性,灵敏性; (4) Unit Performance: The main indicators of technical parameters, plant operation flexibility, a variety of automatic protection device reliability, sensitivity;</SPAN> </p> |